Monday 1 December 2014

BREAKING......Beyonce Beat Up Jay Z ...As She is Seen As The Abusive Partner

Surprise will never end as this Jay N Bey story got me shocked and really astonished........dou

Report has it that Beyonce do beat Jigga but he won’t lay his hands back on her. Sources said Bey is a replica of Solange who is also fond of hitting men

According to The Nation Enquirer,

“Beyonce is alleged to be the physically abusive partner in the relationship, said sources –providing
emphatic evidence that she’s spiraling closer to an epic nervous breakdown, as friends fear”

“The relationship is as volatile as ever. It looks like sometimes she can’t control her anger or her liquor when she drinks. In fact, a provocative series of seemingly coded cries for help recently posted on the singer’s social media accounts have prompted some in the know to coyly label them ‘Beyonce’s breadcrumbs’. In October, she published a photo showing Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton locked in a firey embrace. That A-list couple made headlines with their notoriously volatile relationship.”

Source: Nation Enquirer

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