Monday 6 April 2015

Two suicide bombers caught in Borno

Two suicide bombers were caught in Biu Town of Borno State yesterday, According to Premium Times, one of the suicide bomber , a male , was caught trying to enter a crowded mosque where worshipers were observing their 2p.m prayer and was killed immediately. one of the Town resident narrating the incident stated

"Some of our youth(s) on guard suspected the would-be bomber carrying the decoder in his hand; and when they tried to frisk him, it was discovered the decoder was unusually heavy and the carrier began to fidget. As he was trying to escape the youths hacked him down and summarily killed him there and then”

While the second suicide bomber also a male was caught with bombs hidden inside a decoder of a satelite TV and he packaged it to make it look like a newly one.

“The second bomber was caught at the Biu motor park. In fact, he was about to enter a bus that was already having passengers, when it was also discovered that he too had a decoder device in his hand and had a bomb concealed in it. Immediately he was beaten up but not killed; as he was later taken to the military barracks and handed over to the soldiers there” the resident

1 comment:

  1. Does that mean they were not professionals or is this another political plot?
